I’m a freediver; someone who holds their breath underwater.
I’ve been to 60m depth. Liberty Hall, Dublin is 60m high. So from the top of Liberty Hall to the ground and back up...all on one breath!
Freediving has changed my life. It’s led me to beautiful places and allowed me to explore underwater scenes that rival anything from Finding Nemo. More importantly it’s opened up a whole new dimension to my breathwork practice.
Busy minds, racing thoughts and self talk become amplified underwater and manifest in physical tension. Freediving challenges me to turn my focus inwards, achieve a state of softness, relaxation and quiet and only then will your mind allow your body to visit depth.
Breathwork, relaxation techniques and mindful meditation are key elements of this sport. Whether I’m in water or on land, freediving helps me live better.
In 2019 I was the first person to represent Ireland in the AIDA Depth World Championships. Breaking two national records, it was an experience I’ll never forget. Hungry for more competition experience I went straight on to the Infinity Depth Games in Cyprus. 5 more competition dives and 4 more national records cemented what I had suspected; I wanted to do more. I was capable of much more.
I’d work on my fitness and dry training in Ireland over the winter and plan my return to the water and competitions with a spectacular competition in the the cenotes of Mexico in March 2020…
What could possibly go wrong?
What’s next
This freediver is biding her time, recovering from long covid in colder waters in Ireland. I dream of the blue and hope to return to underwater adventures and competitions in 2022.